Publications and Reviews
2010 Take me to your leader! The Great Escape Into Space, author: Marianne Yvenes, exhibition catalogue, Oslo Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, Oslo, Norway
2009 Elles@CentrePompidou - Artistes Femmes Dans Les Collections Du MNAM-CCI, author: Camille Morinau, exhibition catalogue, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
2008 Moving Images, author: Jill Sawyer, Galleries West (Web article), Dec 31, Regina, Winnipeg, Canada
How to Read What Isn’t There: The Transtextual Medium, author: David Caughlan, Paper for The Second Annual Making Books, Shaping Readers Conference, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
2005 Formula Film Making: Les installations cinématographiques de Nathalie Melikian, author: Olivier Asselin, Vox-Centre de l'image contemporain, Jan, Montreal, Canada
Faire un Carton, author: Lyne Crevier, Ici, 20-26 Janvier, Montreal, Canada
Hairy Heirs And Formula Films; how two shows make extrapolation an art, author: Isa Tousignant, Hour, January 27, Montreal, Canada
Quand un mot vaut milles images, author: Jerome Delgado, collaboration special La Presse, 06 Fevrier, La Presse, Montreal, Canada
Not much to look at here, folks, author: Christine Redfern, Montreal Mirror, February 3-9, Montreal, Canada
Combattre le feu par le feu, author: Félix B. Desfossés, Le journal de L’UQUAM, volume XXIV, numero 26, 25 Janvier, Montreal, Canada
2002 Centre of Attraction-8th Baltic Triennale - exhibition catalogue, Vilnius, Lithuania
Melodrama, author: Doreet LeVitte-Harten, exhibition catalogue, Artuim Centro-Museo Vascote Arte Contemporaneo, Victoria, Spain
2001 Looking at you, exhibition catalogue, Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel, Germany
Strokes of genius, author: Sarah Milroy, The Globe and Mail, January 10, Toronto, Canada
Videonale, exhibition catalogue, Bonn, Germany
2000 Nathalie Melikian: Her War of Words, author: David Coughlan, exhibition catalogue:”Eine Emunition neben Anderen ”, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, Germany
Re-Wind Reel and Print: The Filmic Texts of Nathalie Melikian, author: David Coughlan invited speaker, Joint Research Forum, School of Art and Design and the Department of English and Drama. Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK
Nathalie Melikian, author: by Jorg Heiser, Frieze magazine, UK
1999 Nathalie Melikian’s Intertext, The Visual-Narrative Matrix: Interdisciplinary Collisions and Collusions, author: David Caughlan. Paper for: The Conference for the Fine Arts Research Center, South Hampton Institute, South Hampton, UK
Oh Hitchcock, author: Kogler Peter, Camera Austria International, 68, Graz, Austria
Schweizer AusstellungenVon den fülligen Reizen des Kinosher, Neue Zürcher Zeitung FEUILLETON Freitag, Nr. 264 66, Frankfurt, Germany
Der gedehnte Moment des Staunens: Oh Hitchcock: Die Kunsthalle Tirol folgt den Spuren, die Sir Alfred in der zeitgenossischen Kunst hinterlassenhat, author: Rudolf Schimitz, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Feuilleton, Nov 09, Frankfurt, Germany
Pierre Huyghe och Nathalie Melikian leker med filmens Klassiker, author: Milou Allerholm, Dagens Nyheter, Sept 15, Stockholm, Sweden
Heute ins Kino: Horrorfilm aus Wortern, Frankfurter Rasdau, July 22, Frankfurt, Germany
[Title Centered Bold] Genre, Intertextuality, and Nathalie Melikian, author: David Coughlan, IASPIS, Stockholm, Sweden
Nathalie Melikian and the Beyond of familiarity, author: Ken Lum, IASPIS, Stockholm, Sweden
1997 New Work from Vancouver, author: Chris Bradshaw, exhibition catalogue, Catriona Jeffries Gallery, Vancouver, Canada